Podcasts aren’t just content.
Podcasts are assets.
Stories are the most powerful way to communicate information, and podcasts are the most compelling tool to communicate with an audience. Take advantage of audio and video to create a memorable show that will work to achieve your company’s goals, by leveraging the power of storytelling, and becoming your industry’s most valuable podcast.
With 2.4 Million podcasts
out there, how can yours differentiate?
Too many podcasts are prone to be bland, blown-over pieces of content that turn into single-use commodities for audiences. Forgettable, disposable content is a slap in the face to all your time, efforts, resources, and expertise.
This is the issue we help our clients avoid, with a system that turns single-use content into long-term assets that increase your brand, authority and expertise.
Just sharing one fact after the other often doesn’t cut it. We leverage purposeful, strong storytelling to effectively communicate with your audiences, so that your show easily becomes your audience’s go-to podcast.
Anton Stankowski, 1961
Purposely build trust and authenticity
Know, like & trust.
Credibility and authenticity are the two most noteworthy issues when trying to communicate with an audience.
How can we get people to notice us? How can we come across as real, genuine human beings? How can we get people to trust our expertise?
By showing ourselves.
We know that communication isn’t just verbal. What’s communicated visually often times changes how we perceive the world.
By communicating honestly through video, we can come across as more genuine, more likeable and trustworthy. Audiences feel like they know us better, have an easier time relating to us and our stories, and are more likely to trust us.
“Video helps have a bigger impact.”
Consultants and advisors
Yes, it can be daunting to produce a video podcast… if you’re alone in the process.
It can take some time to get your concept right, to script your episodes, to get the equipment to create a high quality show and to edit it.
There’s no one-size-fits-all kind of production for all podcasts. Intention and purpose is what separates great shows from the rest.
Knowing what’s your podcast objective and most importantly, how to serve the audience is key to us.
We’re not just editors, we’re not random creatives.
We are filmmakers, documentarians, screenwriters, film producers, creative directors, foley artists, colorists…
We are storytelling nuts.
We take all our experience working on podcasts, films, sets, and studios, and apply it to our clients’ shows, working in the storytelling framework, it allows us to efficiently produce high quality video podcasts.